Monday, 21 January 2013

AwSoMe tOuCh Of BlAck And MaRooN In GoldEn dReSs

A NicE cOmbiNatiOn Of GoldeN With MaRoon And Black.....LookiNg bEatifUl ANd sTyLiSH.....

StuNninG GoLdEn DrEss

A bEauTiFul anD StyLisH ouTfiT fOr bEsT mOmEntS oF yOuR LiFe.....LooK AwEsOmE In GoLdEn cOlor ....HaVe .A pReCioUs Look ......

AwSoMe FrEnCh hAirStyLe

A bEauTifUl anD StylisH hAiR sTyLe tO mAkE yOuR LooK thE bEsT oNE n UniQue....floWerS arE givinG A fResH LooK....

Saturday, 19 January 2013

bEaUtifuL FrOck

LovEly fRock fOr TeenAgers.....wiTh Beautiful Knot whiCh is Giving iT A StyLisH LooK.....

AwsOmE GrEEN fOr WiNtEr

A bEauTiful dReSs fOr WinTer tO GiVe yOu A StuNninG LooK.......aWsOmE cOmBiNaTion of NycE cOlors of  EmbRoiDery .....z mAkinG iT StyLisH....


Steps 1-2: Braid two strands on each side of a center part. 
Steps 3-5: Wrap braids around the crown of your head and pin in place with one pin each. 
Step 6: Arrange braids so that they cover the front of your head like a headband. Pin into place more securely until you feel comfortable. 
Steps 7-8: Pull the rest of the hair into a ponytail and pin it into a cute messy bun. Note: This step is optional. You can also wear your hair down like my photo below. 
Step 9: Add final pins and spray. Enjoy! 

Friday, 18 January 2013

hEaRt BraCeLet

Adorable sTyle of  Bracelet with hEarts ...... Looking StylisH anD Simple too with SilVer Touch

AwsOme And InsPirinG

AwsOme cOmbiNation Of  gReeN and Black ToeRing......Adorable and mOst Beautifull

AwsOme ToeRingS

Stylish ToeRings ...... Making yOur Toes So Pretty..... Wear it and feel most trendy and uniQue....

Comfort At itS bEst

SiMpLe AnD sTyLiSh wIthOut Heal ...... looKing Adorable Because Of A lOvEly FlOwer on The Top....So cOmFortAblE and uniQue To Wear....

rhombus flower Bracelet

Fashion Bracelet Retro style rhombus flower Bracelet Green

Fashion design, especially for Gift, Party, and Anniversary.very new and unique in its style.. give stylish look to ur hands...

1. Style: Fashion
2. Color: Green, as show
3. Material: Acrylic, Alloy
4. Perimeter: around 19 cm
5. Width: 4.5 cm

other colours ....

                                    Fashion Bracelet Retro style rhombus flower Bracelet Orange

Fashion Bracelet Retro style rhombus flower Bracelet buff

Thursday, 17 January 2013

An aWsOmE hAir sTyLe fOr Long Hairs

This Beautiful Hair style will give yOu an aWsOmE look .....Make and feel yourself to be unique and more sTylish .....

stylish nails

One of the hottest new trends this spring is colorblocking, but not everyone knows how to put it together for clothes.

Step 1: Get Your Supplies Together

Step 2: Paint a Base Color

Start with your favorite basecoat and paint your nails the base color. I find it’s easiest to use a crème polish for this step, and it’s best if this is the lightest color of the bunch, since it doesn’t need to cover anything else. Then top with a fast-dry topcoat.

Step 3: Start Taping

 Next, pull off a small piece of Scotch tape (you won’t need more than an inch at a time) and put it against your hand and pull it off several times until most of the stickiness is gone. This will help make sure the polish doesn’t pull when you start applying the next color. (If you are dressing up a current manicure, this is where you will start.)

Once your base layer is dry, it’s time to start the colorblocking. I like each nail to be unique, so I tape each one differently. Remember to make sure the tape is lying down flat so the polish doesn’t seep underneath and that the tape is at an angle so that it will eventually form triangles.

Step 4: Apply the Second Color

Carefully paint your nail so the exposed part is your second color and make sure to paint over the tape so you have clean lines. It’s best to work quickly and with your second most opaque color for this layer.

Step 5:Remove Tape to Reveal Precise Triangles

Wait about thirty seconds after you paint over the tape and carefully pull the tape up to reveal a clean little triangle! Now each nail might be a different shape, depending on how you taped them up originally!

Step 6: Marvel at Your Work

Now it’s time to tape off the last part of the color block. Like you did for the first part, you’ll want to tape your nails at an angle to make the last triangle on each nail. On a few nails, you will need two pieces of tape to make the triangle in the middle, so be careful to make sure everything lines up with the colors you have already painted.

Step 8: Paint the Last Color and Finis

Just like before, paint over the exposed part of your nail and the tape to get the third part of your color block on. Once it’s painted, wait thirty seconds and then pull it off to see the amazing color block you just created! Add a topcoat and you are finished!

Shady monochrome peep toe shoe

 beautiFuL shoe of cOloUr cOmbinAtion oF blAcK nD whiTe.... very uNique deSiGn ... nd Look diFferent.. wiTh pEep tOe heAl ... make iT morE stuNning ... spEciaLLy foR fragiLe feEts.... 

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

bEautifull frEnch Hair sTyle fOr yOu

A beautiful french knot for being looking trendy and stylish ....making z quite different and lovable than before.....visit for more awsome hair styles to make others inspired by you....

awEsome blAcK

shiNny blAcK on nAils lOoking vErY aWE-inSpiRinG .... on square nails... nD siliVer liNe on nAilS incrEasEs itS stUnNing lOok ... booSt thE beautY of uR hanDS nD givE thEm styLisH loOk.... 

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

piNkisH whitE..

wOw beautifuL combinatiOn of wHite nD pInk.... one oF thE moSt in cOmbinatiOn ..... white inCrEases thE graCe of piNk ... nd whitE doTs on pInk givE iT nEww loOk same aS on whitE... veRy aWesomE naIl aRT thAt inCrEasEs thE beauTy of uR hAnDs nD giVe iT styliSh loOk... :)

Saturday, 12 January 2013

AwSoME GReeN...

A stylish look of green colour with black beads it lovely look.

Friday, 11 January 2013

gOLd jeWelRy

 wOnderfuL cOmbinAtion oF gOlden nD siLivEr.... verY uniqUe in iTs styLe .. so simpLe bUt sO stYliSH ... vErY vEry sUitaBle foR wedDinG cerEmonieS... lOok aweSome wiTh eVeRy cOlOur oF dreSs... liGht wEiGhtEd... eyE caTcHiNg dEsiGN oF nEcKlEsS nD pEndaNtS... alSo weAr iN cAsuAl pARtiEs... hoPe u aDmirE this dEsigN foR mOrE unIquE dEsiGnz kEep oN vistiNg .. thankyou 

stYliSH whiTe drESs

 sO siMple nD decEnT dreSs wiTh the aweSome coLour cOmbinaTion oF rEd nD whitE... vEry iN now A dayZ... liTe woRk of coPper nD red oN front nD seleveS give thiS dreSs stUnNinG lOOk...reD  rIbbIoN on boaDerS nD selevEs bOosT iTs stYliSh lOok. reD doPata witH siMpLe coPper worK makE this dreSs goRgeoUs... for morE dreSSeS keeP oN visiTing ... 

bEautifUL puRple watcH

stYlish watcH with thE beAutifUL coloUr coMbinAtion of puRpLe nD silivEr ...whitE diaMondS in the cirCle increaSes its styLish lOok... in thE diAl the shiNny skY blUe nD pUrpLe makE it gOrgeous... it bOost the beAutY oF cuTe hAnDs... 

pinkY blaCk shoES

very awesome high heal shoes... with stunning combination of lite pink nd black ... give great look to your feets..very unique in its style .... high pencil heal boost its magnificent look...  hope u like this style

Thursday, 10 January 2013

c0l0urfuL fr0k

vEry beAutifuL dreSs of crEam colour with orange, green nd red ribbOn .... so colourfUL buT so dEceNT.. incReAses youR looK ... wiTh chooRi dAar pajamA ... nd doPaTa oF skY bluE boaRder... itS a vEry lAtEst desiGn in froK wiTh unIquE coloUr cOmbinationS....

aWEsomE shoES

cOoL liTe bLuE shoEs lOokings So stUNninG ... it is so siMplE buT stiLL sO stYliSH ... it is verY neW in itS waY... threE stEp oF difFerent coloUrS oF peArlS increASes its stUNning lOOK... very aWesome combinatiOn of litE blUe .pUrPLe nD grEEn ....loW heaL mAkEs its moRE coMfORtABle...

cOloUrfUL nAilS

stuNNing colourFuL naiL aRT.. lOok awEsome wiTh evEry drESS .. doUble colouR combinatiOn on eAch nAiL bOOsT itS styliSh lOok ..morEovEr diFferent styles oF heArt oN eacH naiL make it more dEliGhtfUL.. likE on fiRsT finGer  there iS a cOmbinatioN of blUE nD pUrplE lOOkS aWEsOmE nD thE aRRoW heARt on iT mAKE iT moRe stYliSH.. hope U lIkE iT foR mOrE cOlOurfUL naiL aRT kEEp oN visiTinG weBsItE.. tHaNkYoU aWLL ... 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

BeauTiful ChEmistry Of Red anD wHItE

A beautiful Combination of red and white Colour IS giving yOuR Nailx a lOvely looK.

Simply making of flowering shape on the toes,  tooooo coooool and bEing StYlisH......

AwesOmE CombiNation Of whitE And pUrpLE

 A Fabulous Looking DreSs with a beautiful Combination of WhiTE and PurplE .

The touch of embRoidarY on thE top z giving it a Lovely look.....

hOw tO makE hEart On nAiLX

makes heart on nails to make your nail colour more stylish ...

tHingS nEeDeD:

*nail colour

juSt foLlow 4 simple stEpS.
1.make one dot of nail colour with pick.

2.then make second dot on little distance
3.penetrate the second dot below.. same with first dot with care.. now your heart on nail is ready...

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

MorE TrEndy & StyLIsh MAKE UP fOr brOwn hAIR

Brown hair tend in give the skin a monochromatic appearance, fOr mOrE beautiful look create suitAble cOntrasts with neutral cOlors and livEly tOnes:

Eyes: Try ivory,beige and grey eye shadow and brown eyeliner.
Cheeks: Choose blush in pale Rose,fuchsia,pink or brown tones.
Lips: Choose Rosy brown,red and glossy pink lipstick.

siMpLY awE-inSpiRinG

reALLy simPle buT lOoking sO sTyliSh blAck shOes.. iTs hiGh hEal inCreAseS itS styliSh loOk.. speCiaLLy for thE giRls hAvinG fRagilE fEEts.. sTeP on thE shoeS make iT cOmfOrtaBle foR walkinG... hopE yOu liKe iT foR mOre stYlisH fOotwEar kEEp oN viStiNg ... thAnkyou

pinKy bLack

A very nicE cOmbination of black and pink colOur giving yOur nails an Awsome look....

thE most lovely part is thE addition of beautiful stOnes .....<3

simple but stylisH hAirstyLe

Things nEedeD:
foLLow 4 simple stePs to make this beautiful hairstyle.
1.divide the hairs into two equal parts from front.
2.tide the knot with both sides hairs.

3.after putting knot set the hairs with comb.
5.then put the clip on your hairs.. now your simple hairstyle is ready..